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Latest News2022-08-09T17:26:02-07:00

Latest News

COVID-19 Update

Hill City Counseling & Consulting maintains awareness of the ever-changing dynamics surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. We want both clients and clinicians to feel comfortable with their level of exposure and physical proximity during this time.  Our counselors are now working back in the office.  However, clients and their counselors can always make their own decision whether to meet via our online HIPPA compliant platform or meet in person at the office –  depending on their preferences for safety at the time of their appointment.  The waiting room is open and we will be following the current Virginia regulations for wearing masks.  We continue to maintain strict cleaning routines and only accept no-touch methods of payment.  All clients who feel sick or have had possible COVID-19 exposure should choose to meet online with their counselor that week.  Should your counselor feel sick or know of their own exposure, they will contact you to meet with you online.

In the meantime, we are praying for peace in your hearts – trusting the Lord for His provision, His protection, and His presence. We are honored to walk alongside you during this time whether in person or online.  We appreciate your flexibility and adaptability as we all do our best to continually maintain an atmosphere of safety and hope.


Dr. David, Dr. Suzanne, and the Counseling staff of HCCC

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